Presenter | Presentation | About the Presenter |
Hannah Davis | BANGS Shoes: A Bold Adventure (PPT-31MB) | Our morning speaker, Hannah Davis, is the Founder and President of BANGS Shoes: a canvas footwear company that helps people start businesses in the US + around the world. To date, BANGS has helped fund entrepreneurs in 19 countries. She has become a recognized advocate for social entrepreneurship, having spoken at two TEDx events over the past 6 months. |
Kai Des Etages | Sustainable Cacao Farming in Belize (PDF-18MB) | Kai participated in the College of Business faculty-led study abroad program, BUS 2536: Belize: A Glimpse of Culture and Issues, this past spring break. She is a sophomore Entrepreneurship major, with a dance minor, from Clayton, NC. Sophomore. |
Doc Hendley | Wine to Water: Ordinary people can do extraordinary things (PDF-587KB) | Doc Hendley is a 2009 CNN Hero. He is President/Founder of the organization Wine To Water and is also a professional public speaker represented by See Agency. "When the idea came to me to start Wine to Water the only real job experience I had was tending bar," said Hendley, "I dreamed of building an organization that fought water related death and disease using different methods than anyone else. So, I started raising money to fight this water epidemic that best way I knew how, by pouring wine and playing music. In 2003, he dreamed up the concept of his organization while bartending and playing music in nightclubs around Raleigh, NC. In February 2004, the first fundraiser was held for what would one day be Wine To Water and by August of that same year Hendley was living in Darfur, Sudan installing water systems for victims of the government supported genocide. Putting his life in peril, along with those on his team who were committed to providing clean water for the world, two of which were killed during this period, Hendley returned home with an even stronger sense of the need of clean water around the globe. When Doc returned home in August 2005, after spending a year in Darfur, the haunting memories of what he had seen in Darfur drove him to continue building the organization he started two years prior. In 2007, after working two jobs and volunteering his time for 3 years, Wine To Water became an official 501 (c) (3) and Doc's dream finally became a reality. He now has projects in 9 different countries around the world and has saved thousands of lives by providing humanity's most basic need and right, clean drinking water. Doc lives in Boone, NC with his wife, Amber, and two sons, Justice and Beattie. Balancing family life and the demands of building Wine to Water, Doc Hendley continues to travel to underdeveloped, war-ridden nations, working in the field to bring clean water to those in need. |
Darin Hodges | Coffee Supply Chain in Costa Rica (PPT-35MB) | Darin participated in the College of Business Study Abroad program, SCM 3690 Coffee Supply Chain in Costa Rica in January of 2015. Darin is an accelerated admissions student completing his undergraduate Computer Information Systems major and Supply Chain Management minor while working on his MBA with a concentration in Business Analytics. He is from West Jefferson. |
Connor Strand | Wine to Water in the Dominican Republic (PPT-17MB) | Connor participated in an Alternative Service Learning Experience in the Dominican Republic working with Wine to Water. Connor is a senior accounting major with an international business minor from Charlotte, NC. He plans to pursue a Masters of Accounting at Appalachian State University. |