Stephanie Moretz

Stephanie Moretz

Ms. Stephanie Moretz serves as an instructor for Business 4000, the college’s capstone course demonstrating competence in oral and written communication, thinking critically and making local to global connections. Moretz is an Appalachian alumna, having earned her master’s degree in Higher Education. She joined the faculty as part of the Global and Civic Engagement team in Fall 2021.

Phone: 828-262-2680

As a proud graduate of Appalachian State University with a Masters in Higher Education and a specialization in Community College and University Leadership, my educational philosophy centers on the creation of a dynamic and inclusive learning community. At the core of my philosophy is a deep belief in the intrinsic value of diversity, encompassing elements such as race, culture, age, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and especially, neurodiversity. I am incredibly passionate about promoting neurodivergent thinking and creating an educational environment that caters to the unique learning needs of individuals with diverse neurological profiles. We are all unique and deserve a pathway to education that reflects our unique minds.

My pedagogical approach is "Inclusive Education." It’s rooted in the belief that embracing diversity in all its forms is a moral and educational imperative. To this end, I am committed to equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and cultural competence required to thrive in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. This moves beyond traditional academic instruction to encompass a broader education in empathy, understanding, and respect for individuals with varying life experiences. I continuously utilize the principles of Universal Design, seeking to offer various avenues of engagement and representation in all my lessons.

In line with these principles, I attempt to set a positive example by demonstrating courtesy and respect in all interactions within the classroom. By upholding the dignity of all students, I seek to create a classroom environment where inclusivity and diversity are acknowledged and celebrated. My educational philosophy is ever-evolving, continually shaped by each learning opportunity and, in particular, my passion for neuroinclusivity. My ideologies are deeply informed by a commitment to facilitating the development of all students.

In closing, my academic journey has equipped me with the knowledge and passion necessary to champion inclusivity and diversity within higher education. I firmly believe that by embracing neurodiversity and fostering an inclusive environment, we can unlock the full potential of every learner and prepare them to excel in a diverse and interconnected world.

Warm Regards,
Stephanie Marie Moretz She/Her
BUS Capstone Lecturer