Business Advisory Council By-Laws

John A. Walker College of Business Appalachian State University Business Advisory Council By-Laws

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Section 1. The basic purpose of the Business Advisory Council shall be to assist in the planning, evaluation, and strengthening of the programs of the John A.Walker College of Business. 

Section 2. The objectives of the Business Advisory Council shall include the following: 

A. Provide advice in planning the graduate and undergraduate programs of the College. 

 B. Identify businesses and/or trade associations that may be interested in continuing education programs. 

C. Point out ways in which the College can strengthen its ties with the business community. 

 D. Increase the awareness and the interest of the community in the programs and activities of the College. 

 E. Suggest ways in which the College may continue to be responsive to the educational needs of the community. 

 F. Provide information on new practices and developments in business for use in the programs of the College. 

 G. Assist in locating sources of financial support for the programs of the College and the professional development of its faculty. 

 H. Help in the recruitment of students and the placement of graduates. 

 I. Recommend speakers for the Harlan E. Boyles Distinguished CEO Lecture Series. 

J. Interact with the students. 

 K. Act as a resource to the Dean of the College.


Section 1. The Business Advisory Council shall consist of not more than twenty-five (25) to 30 members who are senior-level business executives and/or community leaders. 

Section 2. The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Dean, and the Director of Development for the John A.Walker College of Business 


Section 1. The Council shall have a Chair, who shall be appointed by the Chancellor upon the recommendation of the Dean of the John A. Walker College of Business. 

Section 2. The Chair's duties shall include: 

A. Preside at all meetings of the Council. 

 B. Work with the Executive Committee in developing the agenda for Council meetings. 

 C. Appoint such ad hoc committees as are necessary to conduct the business of the Council. 

 D. Preside at the College annual awards banquet. 

 E. Assume such other duties as are necessary for the effective functioning of the Council. 

 Section 3. The term of the Chair shall be for two years. If elected as Chair in the third year of the term, the appointment will automatically be extended for one year. 

Section 4. The Council shall have a Vice Chair, who shall be appointed by the Chancellor upon the recommendation of the Dean of the College. 

Section 5. The Vice Chair's duties shall include: 

A. Preside at meetings of the Council in the absence of the Chair. 

 B. Assume such other duties as are necessary for the effective functioning of the Council. 

 Section 6. The term of the Vice Chair shall be for two years. If elected as Vice Chair in the third year of the term, the appointment will automatically be extended for one year. 


Section 1. The Council shall have an Executive Committee. 

Section 2. The members of the Executive Committee shall be the Chair of the Council, the Vice Chair of the Council, and the Dean of the John A. Walker College of Business. 

Section 3. The Executive Committee's responsibilities shall include: 

A. Develop the agenda for Council meetings. 

 B. Consider special needs of the College. 

 Section 4. The Executive Committee shall meet semi-annually. 

Section 5. The Council shall have a Nominating Committee. 

Section 6. The members of the Nominating Committee shall include the Chair of the Council, the Dean of the John A.Walker College of Business, and a member-at-large elected by the Business Advisory Council. 

Section 7. The Nominating Committee's responsibilities shall include: 

A. Nominate the Chair of the Council. 

B. Nominate the Vice Chair (Chair-Elect) of the Council.

Section 8. The Nominating Committee will present its recommendations forChair, Vice Chair, and new members to the Council. 


Section 1. New members of the Business Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Chancellor of the University upon the recommendation of the Dean of the John A.WalkerCollege ofBusiness andmembers of theCouncil. 

Section 2. The term of appointment of Council members shall be for three years. (beginning with the Council meeting held during the fall semester). Any member shall be eligible for reappointment. 


Section 1. TheCouncil shall hold at least two regularmeetings each year. Special meetings may be called as they are needed. 

Section 2. The Chair of the Council shall preside over the meetings. 

Section 3. The agenda for each meeting shall be developed by the Executive Committee. The agenda shall be distributed to each member prior to the meeting. 


Section 1. The By-Laws may be altered or amended at any duly held meeting of theCouncil. Notice of any proposed change must be on the agenda of the meeting at which the change is to be considered. 

Section 2. A majority vote of the members present shall be required for an amendment to be passed.