To gain firsthand appreciation of the potential opportunities and challenges in France’s market economy, we will travel to two cities in France; Paris and Angers. To reinforce experiences, each student will keep a daily travel log that will address topics such as: commerce; culture; infrastructure; social; historical; legal; economic; and, ethical issues with emphasis upon business. Additionally, students from Appalachian State will meet and work with French and Polish students to share educational activities. We will also visit selected companies as well as historical and cultural sites.
MBA5020 MBA International Experience - 3 credits
Billable Program Cost: $3,384.79 Includes: Airfare, In-country Program Transportation, Lodging, International Health and Evacuation Insurance, Program Events, Most Meals, and CCS Administrative Fee.
Estimated Additional Student Cost: $300 Estimated costs include but are not limited to: Immunizations, Personal Expenses, and additional meals.
Dr. Beverly Dawn Medlin College of Business Mr. Ken White College of Business