Learn sustainable business practices from India – a country rooted in traditions, rich in cultural heritage, sustainable practices, and resource optimization. This trip takes the students to Kolkata, in the state of West Bengal. Kolkata is located in the eastern part of India and is a city with a lot of character and charm. The key takeaways from this program are (1) to introduce and familiarize students with novel entrepreneurial innovations erupting amidst a resource constraint environment of an emerging economy; (2) to recognize some sustainable business models and the marketplace in an emerging economy; and, (3) to get a glimpse of the Indian traditions and cultural mores. For more information and to access the application, visit OIED's online program brochure.
3000-level Pre-reqs: MKT 3050, 54 earned hours and good academic standing. Students who do not have the minimum hour requirement cannot take this course at the 3000-level and should inform the program leader of this situation before applying.
Billable Program Cost: $ 4,134.45 Includes: airfare, in-country program transportation, lodging, international health and evacuation insurance, program events, all meals, and CCS administrative fee. Estimated Additional Student Cost: $350Estimated costs include but are not limited to: immunizations, personal expenses, and extra meals.
Dr. Neel Das Associate Professor, Marketing Department dasn@appstate.edu Dr. Lubna Nafees Professor, Marketing Department nafees1@appstate.edu