Students will participate in lectures at the University of Havana. These lectures will cover topics such as the history of Cuba and Cuba-US relations, the Effects of the Embargo, Sustainable Energy in Cuba, Entrepreneurship in Cuba, etc. These lectures will be linked to site visits to museums, government organizations, agricultural cooperatives, renewable energy agencies, etc. For more information and application instructions, visit OIED's Online Program Brochure.
MBA 5020 International Seminar in Cuba (3 credits)
BUS 3045-101 – Business and Society in Cuba (3 credits)
Billable Program Cost: $3450 - Includes: In-country Program Transportation, Lodging, International Health and Evacuation Insurance, Program Events, Most Meals, and CCS Administrative Fee.Estimated Additional Student Cost: $200.00 - Estimated costs include but are not limited to: Immunizations, Personal Expenses, Visas, and Some Meals.
Dr. Rachael ShinnarCollege of
Dr. Brian Whitaker