David Heesacker ’83

BSBA, Management and Information Systems

Chapel Hill, NC

My favorite Walker College memory is… 
Having to take statistics in the Math Department instead of business statistics because the faculty in the School of Business were on strike (or at least not teaching) during the summer of 1982. Myself and several other business students had to have the course to graduate and they allowed us to take a 3000 level statistical methods course in the Math Department that would count. This sticks with me because my average was well below failing but I got an 'A' in the class because the Professor instituted a huge curve due to all the struggling business students in the class. After my BSBA from ASU and three subsequent graduate degrees, it is the only course in which I performed miserably, but walked out of the classroom with a 4.0.

My experience in the Walker College prepared me for my life and work...
After retiring from the Marine Corps, I now teach business courses at a community college which is my ideal 2nd career.