Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) team is composed of Walker College of Business faculty, staff and students who advise college administrators on diversity and inclusiveness opportunities and needs within the college. The team also looks at comparative and aspirational programs to benchmark seeking to make the college a leader at the university in pursuing inclusive excellence. If you would like to be part of this team, please read the membership guidelines and email DEI Team Chair Jacqueline Tilton, tiltonjd@appstate.edu.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

The Walker College of Business is committed to promoting an inclusive environment for all Appalachian business faculty, staff and students to enhance their cross-cultural and community leadership and engagement. 

We foster a culture that values diversity and we intentionally include people and perspectives from diverse cultures, worldviews, backgrounds, traditions and ways of life. 

We know that diversity takes many forms, including, but not limited to, diversity of Age, (Dis)ability, Cultural Background, Educational Background, Gender Expression, Gender Identity, Geographical Region, National Origin, Neurodiversity, Race and Ethnicity, Religion, Sexual Orientation/Sexuality, Socioeconomic Status/Social Class and Veteran Status. 

We believe organizations that value people from a multitude of backgrounds have a competitive advantage in global industry and that business can empower change on a grand scale when guided by just, inclusive and equitable principles.

We aspire to provide a welcoming and empowering home for every business student, faculty and staff member, where all 1) value diverse perspectives, 2) acknowledge societal injustices toward marginalized groups, 3) recognize and overcome our own biases and 4) use our talents and skills to create a more inclusive and just society.

Current Members


Department/Unit Name

Liaison Name

Liaison Email

DEI Team Chair

Jacqueline Tilton



Mary Ann Hofmann


Business Career Services

Michelle Brown 


Computer Information Systems

Wei Xie


Dean's Office

Martin Meznar



Ji Yan


Finance, Banking, and Insurance / Brantley Risk & Insurance Center

Sabina Pandey


Global and Civic Engagement

Stephanie Moretz


Global and Civic Engagement

Meredith Pipes


Graduate Programs

John Baker


Graduate Programs

RamyaSri Vemuri



Justin Kent


Marketing & Supply Chain Management

Stephanie Lawson


Transportation Insight Center for Entrepreneurship 

Erich Schlenker


Transportation Insight Center for Entrepreneurship 

Sara Figlow


Mission & Vision


The Walker College of Business Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team serves to advise Walker College administrators on diversity and inclusiveness opportunities, needs and outcomes.  Composed of business faculty and staff from across the college, the team is dedicated to finding practical ways to implement the values of inclusiveness and diversity so that all students, faculty and staff find a safe and welcoming community within the Walker College of Business.


We aspire to provide a welcoming and empowering home for every business student, faculty and staff member, where all 1) value diverse perspectives, 2) acknowledge societal injustices toward marginalized groups, 3) recognize and overcome our own biases and 4) use our talents and skills to create a more inclusive and just society.


Membership Guidelines

The membership will consist of the following:

  • Walker COB CAE DEI Liaisons (1/department)
  • Walker COB faculty (up to five)
  • Walker COB staff (up to five)
  • Walker COB students (intending and declared; undergraduate and graduate; minimum of 2)
  • Friends of the Committee (including Multicultural Student Development, Inclusive Excellence with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success, Student Development, and the Chief Diversity Officer)

Member Expectations

  • Actively participate in committee activities by bringing views, opinions, expertise, etc., to the table as we continue to shape and develop an inclusive environment;
  • Physically attend a majority of WCOB DEI Team meetings and actively participate in discussions, training, and activities; 
  • Have an open mind and a willingness to challenge and be challenged in working towards change; 
  • Actively participate in the DEI training scheduled by the WCOB DEI Team; 
  • Stay abreast of DEI issues (specifically in education) and opportunities for DEI education; 
  • Support and engage in on- and off-campus, DEI-related activities; 
  • Work in support of the goals set forth in the Walker College of Business Strategic Plan 
  • Commit to a minimum of one (1) year of service to the WCOB DEI Team.