
nvited to speak at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence

Econ Professor, Todd Cherry, invited to speak at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence Apr 26, 2016

Walker College Professor of Economics Todd Cherry will present his behavioral and experimental research on climate change

Research, Centers - CERPA, Economy
2016 Appalachian Experimental and Environmental Economics Workshop

2016 Appalachian experimental and environmental economics workshop to be held April 29-30 Apr 25, 2016

The Department of Economics and the Center for Economic Research & Policy Analysis (CERPA) at Appalachian...

Sustainable Business, Research, Faculty, Centers - CERPA, Economy, Front Page
Economics faculty and students conduct high country tourism economic impact analyses

Economics faculty and students conduct high country tourism economic impact analyses Mar 15, 2016

Students from Appalachian State University's Student Chapter of the National Association for Business Economics and faculty in...

Economy, Front Page, Faculty, Research
Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium

Walker College student's research on economic impact of High Country Beer Fest Dec 2, 2015

Walker College student Matthew Drake recently attended the state's Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium in High Point, NC. Drake, a...

Students, Economy, Research
Todd Cherry

Economics professor discusses energy, economics and climate change in Alaska Sep 22, 2015

Walker College of Business Professor of Economics Todd Cherry recently...

Economy, Sustainable Business