Gifts to the Dean’s Club provide opportunity and engagement, creating success through professorships, professional development, study abroad, research, industry guest lectures, and more than $100,000 in student scholarships.
Join the Dean's Club Today
There are four levels of membership, based on giving level.
- Elite | $10,000 + Bring together high-achieving Appalachian alumni, corporate partners, and industry leaders to create a shared and collaborative community through local and regional events.
- Fellow | $5,000 to $9,999 Provide vital scholarship assistance for first-generation students and sustain emergency financial aid for students facing unexpected crises.
- Roundtable | $2,500 – $4,999 Contribute to experiential learning opportunities with domestic and international places of business. For example, business students can visit the New York Stock Exchange or take an international course in Brazil.
- Associate | $1,000 – $2,499 Provide opportunities for increased collaboration and innovation in curricular and co-curricular offerings, such as interdisciplinary classes and specialized programs across the college.
Dean's Club Scholarships
Each, year the Walker College Dean's Club supports dozens of students with more than $100,000 in scholarship funding. Dean's Club scholarships are awarded on a case-by-case basis, allowing the dean to remedy urgent student needs and support students during complicated circumstances, allowing our them to focus on learning. Apply for scholarships.
Become a Member
To join, contact Walker College of Business Director of Development Virginia Wallace at (828) 262-7929 or, or make a gift online using a credit card. Checks may be mailed to ASU Box 32037, Boone, NC 28608-2037.
Why Give?
When you give to the Dean’s Club, you strengthen our campus community, expand opportunities in the Walker College of Business, and support future business leaders. Tell us why you give.

Benefits vary by membership level, but in return for their generosity, Dean’s Club members may receive:
- Invitations to special events within the college, such as the Boyles Lecture Series, Alumni Awards Gala, home football games and more.
- Quarterly updates from the college.
- Special announcements and information from the dean.
- A WCOB Dean’s Club signature gift.
- A WCOB Dean's Club signature gift and decal.
- The opportunity to change a student’s life trajectory.
2023 - 2024 Dean's Club Members:
Elite Level
Anonymous Donor
Judy and Winfield Beroth
Andy and Dana Brincefield
Broyhill Family Foundation
Jim and Karen Burr
Doug and Amber Copple
Dennis and Katherine Covington
Marshall and Kris Croom
Wyatt and Katrina Dixon
Jane and Brad Fisher
Mary Bost and Michael Gray
John and Donna Hart
Brad and Kelly Horstmann
Tommy and Elizabeth Hudspeth
Doug and Teresa Johnson
Liz and Jeff Mick
Phil and Lisa Ostwalt
Kathy Oszmianski Pou
Preston and Alexandra Powell
Caroline and Wiley Roark
Hayes and Susan Smith
Kenan and Tracy Smith
G.A. and Shirley Sywassink
Doug Williams
Fellow Level
Allison and Walker Abney
David and Pamela Allen
Edward Boyles
Thomas G Brown Family Charitable Foundation
Tom, Melinda & Colby Cook
Pam and Leigh Dunston
Angela and David Harrison
Brock and Cathy Himan
Helen and Kirk Hollifield
Matthew Hollifield
Jeff and Lorie Mast
Beth G. Monaghan
Emily and Joe Piacentino
Rick and Angela Redden
Nolan and Stacy Reedy
Eddie Sams
Frank and Betsy Skidmore
Brad and Maureen Sparks
Richard Sparks
Craig and Christine Stephenson
Sandra Vannoy and James Todd
Ron Woods
Forrest Zhan and Nina Yan
Roundtable Level
Harry Davis
Darren and Cynthia Eubanks
David and Pam Ferrell
Sam and Angela Formby
Benjamin and Bonnie Hamrick
Larry and Susan Harris
Joshua and Michelle Huffman
Donald McNeill
J Gary Meggs and Lorilee Medders
Dawn Medlin
Heather and Rob Norris
Wayne and Teresa Robbins
Doug and Amy Rumford
Bill and Judy Sears
Jack and Phyllis Sheffield
Brad and Dana Walser
Louis and Susan Walters
Bob and Debra Webb
Associate Level
Anonymous Donor
Anthony and Paula Adams
Pia Albinsson and David Shows
Chester and Mary Allen
Kyle and Mary Allen
Trent Arrowood and Hank Fields
W. Scott Baker
Chris Baltz
Sandy and Ralph Barnhardt
Milton Bentley
Ryan and Kruti Bolick
Brad and Kimberly Bostick
Jack and Beth Boyle
Jeff and Diana Carter
Summie and Debbie Carter
John and Amy Chastain
Nathan Clark
Kevin and Amanda Johnson Coggins
Trisha and Chris Coleman
Mark and Kimberlee Collins
Dan, Fairley & Ben Cook
Tara and Mike Daniel
Joel and Katie Edwards
Randy and Margaret Edwards
LaVonda and Mark Everhart
Abram Finkelstein
Jody and Barry Fleming
Harrison Gillette
Donald and Alison Greene
Bruce Greenland
Craig and Nancy Greenwood
Preston and Brandy Hadley
W. Skyler and Nicole Harrison
Perry Hudspeth
Joshua and Michelle Huffman
Sam and Sharon Kaufman
Scott and Deanna Lampe
Greg and Kim LeNeave
Jefferey and Amy Lewis
Matt and Leslie Lowdermilk
Lynn and Chris McNeil
Anne and Tommy Miller, Sr.
Wayne and Gigi Miller
Thomas Nerad
Kay Norwood
Jay and Deanna Offerdahl
Jim and Katherine Pope
Gayle Rachels
Ken and Ruth Reece
Philip and Carolyn Riker
Ken and Jean Ripley
Bobby Roach & Sarah Kiger
Dennis and Mary Jo Rochelle
Michael Saunders
Will and Gail Sears
Les and Kathy Sigmon
Tamara Singletary
Gerry Smith and David Syfert
Johnathan Smith
Matthew and Lauren Solomon
Jill Sparks
Stephanie and Brian Storey
Richard Stroupe
Arnold and Kathleen Thompson
Carl and Jennifer Thompson
David and Cathy Thompson
Paul Thompson
Jason and Mitzi Triplett
Matthew Vincent
Jim Westerman
Susan Whitehead