Walker College of Business Global Good Awards

Walker College of Business Global Good Awards Luncheon

The 2024 Walker College of Business Global Good Awards Luncheon will take place on Friday, September 13, 2024 at 11:15 am, in the Parkway Ballroom, Plemmons Student Union as part of the Global Good Conference. RSVP here

Faculty Awards

Inspiring International Leaders Award

  • Description: This award recognizes success in inspiring students to pursue meaningful international experiences and develop a global mindset. This can be through mentorship, leadership of a faculty-led program, international research, etc.
  • Eligibility: College of Business Faculty and Staff. (Dr. Martin Meznar and Meredith Church Pipes aren't eligible)

Outstanding Faculty-led Program Leader Award

  • Description: This award recognizes outstanding leadership on a Walker College of Business faculty-led program. Depth of knowledge of the content area, strong connections abroad, creative course design and skillfull leadership through challenges are all factors considered in selecting the award recipient.
  • Eligibility: College of Business faculty-led program leaders and co-leaders.

Student Awards

Global Citizen Award 

  • Description: Given in recognition of establishing meaningful connections with the international community beyond the classroom while abroad and/or here on campus.
  • Eligibility: 2023-24 WCOB participants in a full semester or year abroad or an international internship.  Current international exchange students taking business courses this semester. Other business students will be considered.

Faculty-led Program Most Valuable Participant

  • Description: Award given for outstanding leadership, maturity, global perspective, intercultural communication, and/or engagement during international travel.
  • Eligibility: 2023-24 Faculty-led program participants.