Sustainable Business

The Westermans in front of their home, which holds 50 solar panels and generates enough power for their family of four, with extra to share. The Westermans in front of their home, which holds 50 solar panels and generates enough power for their family of four, with extra to share.

Appalachian professors practice what they teach, operate their home at net-positive energy use with solar panels
Jul 11, 2017

Drs. Jim and Jennifer Westerman, both professors at Appalachian State University, made a decision that has saved the equivalent of 276 trees and avoid...

Business professors to speak on sustainable electricity during 2017 RECONNECT workshop

Business professors to speak on sustainable electricity during 2017 RECONNECT workshop
Jun 7, 2017

Walker College of Business professors Joseph Cazier and Ed Hassler will present on sustainable electricity and their recent research with New Riv...

Walker College Professors to highlight new research on key honey bee health issues as part of National Pollinator Week

Walker College Professors to highlight new research on key honey bee health issues as part of National Pollinator Week
May 25, 2017

According to a recent post from, three Appalachian State University professors will offer a free webinar on their research to impro...


Students At Appalachian State Pitch Innovative Biofuel Solution
May 23, 2017

Read the full text at Blue Ridge Public Radio....

(L-R): Ethan Downs, Ryan Olsen, Trey Edgerton, Micah Miller, and Tammy Kowalczyk

Walker College graduate students compete in Aspen Institute's Business & Society Case Competition
May 11, 2017

A cross-disciplinary team of graduate students from Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business recently participated in the Aspen Insti...

Appalachian State University Associate Professor of Management Rajat Panwar

Research from management professor one of four sustainability-themed projects funded as part of Innovation Scholars Program
May 9, 2017

According to a recent post from Appalachian State University, research from Associate Professor of Management Rajat Panwar is one of four su...

Appalachian State University students Kelsey Simon, left, and Ali Moxley took second place in the Food Solutions Challenge in April.

Concept for turning corn chip oil into biodiesel fuel earns Appalachian students second place in international Food Solutions Challenge
May 8, 2017

ASU NEWS—What has 18 wheels and runs on corn chips? Thanks to a food solution from two Appalachian State University students, a chip producer’s tr...

F.A.R.M. Cafe celebrates partnership with Appalachian State University

F.A.R.M. Cafe celebrates partnership with Appalachian State University
May 8, 2017

According to a recent post from the Watauga Democrat, F.A.R.M. Café, Boone's pay-what-you-can community cafe, is celebrating five years the week...

Upcoming special multi-media event on Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Upcoming special multi-media event on Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Apr 14, 2017

Troubled Water: Voices from Bath uses exquisite photography, personal interviews, and a moving documentary film to share the stories of one Virginia c...

Rajat Panwar

New research from Walker College Professor explores environmental practices in business
Mar 29, 2017

A paper co-authored by Appalachian Associate Professor of Management Rajat Panwar has been published in Business Strategy and the Environment. Th...