21 business professors named most helpful by first year students for 2019-20

Each fall, Appalachian State University's Office of Student Success produces and distributes a list of its "most helpful" faculty and staff members. The list, derived from student responses to a form completed by Appalachian's newest first-year and transfer students, includes 21 employees of the Walker College of Business. 

While most students do not enroll in business courses until their major is declared (usually in the second semester of the sophomore year), a few business professors did have opportunity to interact with first year students -- and made a positive impact. According to the 2019-20 first year students, the following professors and staff members were most helpful to them as they began their time at Appalachian.

View the complete list.

Sadly, Rick Wurth passed away earlier this year. His name is included to honor his memory and note his dedication to students.

21 business professors named most helpful by first year students for 2019-20
Published: Nov 10, 2020 2:07pm
