Appalachian State University students will compete in the Microsoft Excel Collegiate Challenge (MECC) on September 19 and 23.
Student Excel Competition
MECC is an online competition that tests students' Excel skills by solving complex problems and competing against peers.
The top-performing App State student for each competition date will earn $300 ($200 for the second-place prize and $100 for the third).
It's the second time App State students have participated, and more than double the number of students are already signed up.
"A total of 117 students have registered to compete so far," said Dr. Chris McNeil, Alfred Adams Professor of Banking in the Department of Finance, Banking & Insurance and App State's MECC coordinator. "It's a strong jump from our spring competition registration of 51 students."
Sign up using this Google form.
Professor vs. Professor Excel Battle
Following the first student competition, McNeil will compete in the Professor vs. Professor Excel Battle.
The live event will feature a showdown between four professors:
- Chris McNeil from Appalachian State University, Walker College of Business
- Carolyn Hamilton from Utah Valley University, Woodbury School of Business
- Fritz Burkhardt from Norwich University
- Eric Kelley from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville Haslam College of Business
"The event promises to be an exciting display of Excel expertise, with professors tackling the same Excel e-sports case under pressure," according to a MECC social media post. "Co-founder David Brown and Excel efficiency expert Jon Acampora will provide expert commentary."
Watch the Professor vs. Professor Excel Battle online:
About the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance
The Department of Finance, Banking, and Insurance develops leaders for business, government, and education by offering a Bachelor of Science in business administration in two specializations: finance and banking and risk management and insurance. Learn more at