Appalachian State University's Epsilon Kappa chapter of Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) - an international honorary organization for financial information students and professionals - has earned superior status for the most recent term. The achievement, which relates to the academic year 2019-20, marks the 38th time that the university has received the honor.
The honor comes with an award of $500, which is sponsored by KPMG and the KPMG Foundation.
"Recognition as a Superior Chapter is a significant accomplishment," said Beta Alpha Psi President Rita Grant. "Under the leadership of Professor Tracy Reed, the Epsilon Kappa Chapter has far exceeded the baseline requirements of Beta Alpha Psi and has excelled in the areas of academics, professionalism, and leadership."
"I am so proud of my BAP members and their hard work to achieve this status," said Dr. Reed. "They are a wonderful group of students to work with."
Dr. Reed said that, during the past year, the students worked with Department of Social Services Child Protective Services to provide foster families with a Christmas party, hosted a gingerbread house competition to help fund the party, volunteered to set up, run and break down the activities at the party and also gave back to the department by helping with recruiting and tutoring students struggling with accounting for free.
About Beta Alpha Psi
The primary objective of Beta Alpha Psi is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the business information field. This includes promoting the study and practice of accounting, finance, and information systems; providing opportunities for self-development, service, and association among members and practicing professionals; and encouraging a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibility. To learn more about Beta Alpha Psi, visit Learn more about student organizations and honor societies offered in the Walker College of Business at
About Appalachian's Accounting Program
The Department of Accounting with Walker College has built a strong reputation for excellence in accounting education, and is highly regarded by accounting employers in North Carolina and throughout the Southeast. Accounting graduates are recruited by the largest international, national, and regional accounting firms as well as local accounting firms, industry and government agencies. The Department of Accounting offers the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.) degree and the Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Accounting. The faculty and staff in the department are deeply committed to the success of our students. Learn more online,