Seven Walker College of Business students and members of Appalachian State University's Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) presented during the BAP Southeast Regional Meeting in Birmingham, Alabama February 25-27.
Alongside faculty advisor Dr. Tracy Reed, junior Accounting majors Levi Barker, Stephen Garrett and Bret Pittman, and senior Accounting majors Sam Straw, Benjamin Belk, Arturo Vergara and Cecilia Faulk represented Appalachian at the event.
The students partcipated in the Best Practices competition, sponsored by Deloitte LLP. The students presented to a panel of judges and audience members on selected topics including Leadership and Management, Alignment of Officer Activities, and Good or Great. Appalachian's teams presented the newly implemented BAP peer mentorship program and shared the chapter's unique service projects.
"These presentations are not only about competition, they also allow for chapters to share ideas and give back to the BAP community," said Reed.
In addition to presenting and competing, the students attended sessions by prominent accounting professionals, allowing the students opporunities to acquire in-depth knowledge designed to springboard them into today’s competitive job market.