Two Walker College of Business professors of computer information systems will be featured as guest speakers during American Public Power Association webinar on July 29.
The professors, Dr. Joseph Cazier and Dr. Ed Hassler, lead research on energy consumption through Appalachian State University's Center for Analytics Research and Education.
The 2:00 p.m. webinar, entitled Data-Driven Customer Segmentation for Reducing Peak Power, will help small- and medium-sized power providers reduce usage during peak power periods.
The event is free and open to the public, although it requires a login. Register online, at
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About the Center for Analytics Research and Education (CARE)
The Center for Analytics Research and Education (CARE) at Appalachian State University utilizes analytics to promote positive behavioral change in the world and do Analytics for Good. Housed in the Walker College of Business, the center enhances the reputation of the university by seeking out projects that have a positive impact on society and avoiding those that would have a negative impact. Big data is inherently interdisciplinary, and CARE faculty work to further research in the areas of sustainability, education, health and wellness, human resource science, and economic development, among others. Learn more at