Appalachian State University senior management major Sirisha Karra is a team leader for the Raleigh branch of the Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development (CORD).Sirisha is engaging Appalachian students on campus in the CORD's mission through Educate to Empower, a raffle fundraising event planned for December 1, 2018.
CORD, a nonprofit organization that reaches out to villagers in rural areas of India to improve aspects of living such as healthcare, sustainability and women empowerment, among others, will present Educate to Empower from 6:00-8:00pm at 3rd Place in Boone.
Working with the Transportation Insight Center for Entrepreneurship, Sirisha's team will be selling raffle tickets and promoting Educate to Empower throughout campus to raise the awareness and money for CORD's cause. Sirisha said that raffled items will include a range of items, from local art and photography to gift certificates from local businesses including Boone PubCycle, Galileos and Stick Boy. Disney and Tweetsie passes will also be raffled.
All of the proceeds from this event will be going toward girls education in rural villages of India.
For more information, contact Sirisha Karra, (919) 271-1483 or email