Dr. Joseph Cazier and Dr. James Wilkes, professors at Appalachian State University, hosted guests from Amazon’s famous innovation Lab 126 from September 26-27.
Cazier has been noted many times for his research and knowledge on bees and their place in the world today, as well as for his work as director of the Center for Analytics Research and Education (CARE).
Lab 126 was very interested in learning what Cazier and his team were doing with the bees, and were interested in the application for their Whole Foods premium food brand.
The research on bees focuses primarily on data mapping, sustainability analytics disease vectors and best practices for farmers. These are all part of a fund and education discussion that takes place regularly between Dr. Cazier, Dr. Wilkes and the remainder of the research group.
The researchers, as pictured, are Dr. James Wilkes, Ged Moody, Mike Lee (Amazon Concept Engineer - worked on iPhone acoustics, Kindle, etc.), Dan Rhodes (Entrepreneur in Residence at Lab 126) and Dr. Joseph Cazier.
The group aims to find a way to increase collaboration efforts around bee data.
About the Center for Analytics Research and Education (CARE)
The Center for Analytics Research and Education (CARE) at Appalachian State University utilizes analytics to promote positive behavioral change in the world and do Analytics for Good. Housed in the Walker College of Business, the center enhances the reputation of the university by seeking out projects that have a positive impact on society and avoiding those that would have a negative impact. Big data is inherently interdisciplinary, and CARE faculty work to further research in the areas of sustainability, education, health and wellness, human resource science, and economic development, among others. Learn more at care.business.appstate.edu.