Dr. John Whitehead, Chair of the Walker College of Business' Department of Economics, recently presented research on Estimating Recreation Benefits through Joint Estimation of Revealed and Stated Preference Discrete Choice Data at an academic seminar hosted by Resources for the Future (RFF).
The paper, which was co-authored by Daniel Lew, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service in Seattle, Washington, suggests that there are significant gains to jointly estimating revealed preference recreation trip and stated preference choice experiment data and that there are significant gains in econometric efficiency and differences between the two types of willingness to pay estimates are mitigated by joint estimation.
The seminar was held in Washington DC on September 17.
RFF is an independent, nonpartisan organization that conducts rigorous economic research and analysis to help leaders make better decisions and craft smarter policies about natural resources and the environment.
RFF researchers provide economic approaches to environmental, energy, and natural resource policy issues and share the results of their work with policymakers in government at all levels, environmental and business organizations, among others.