Eight representatives from Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business traveled to Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky to participate in the third annual Appalachian Research in Business Symposium (ARBS) March 31 - April 1, 2016.
Rebecca Hutchins, Jerry Hutchins, Pia Albinsson, David Shows, Dawn Medlin, Jonathan Carpenter, Donna Lindabury, and Sandy Vannoy joined faculty from East Tennessee State University, Western Carolina University and Eastern Kentucky University to present research projects and share ideas about teaching and learning.
The event will be hosted on Appalachian's campus by the Walker College of Business in Spring 2017. Information about participating in the fourth annual ARBS at Appalachian will be forthcoming.
To learn more about faculty, staff and student research in the Walker College, visit business.appstate.edu/news/research.