Counting bees, because bees count — App State creates pollinator-tracking app May 18, 2020
BOONE, N.C. — “You can’t manage what you can’t measure,” is a saying attributed to Peter Drucker (1909–2005), one of the most widely known and...
Sustainable Business, Research, Faculty, Centers - CARE, Dept - CIS, Front PageAppalachian honors business students, professor during leadership and legacy awards May 11, 2020
Four members of the Walker College of Business — Randy Edwards, Rachael Beller, Grayson Farmer and Collin Cornelius — were honored during...
Faculty, Students, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, MBA, Dept - ACC, Front Page3,600-plus Mountaineer graduates set to make history during App State’s virtual Spring 2020 Commencement May 5, 2020
BOONE, N.C. — Despite two world wars and a crippling depression, Appalachian State University has never canceled a commencement ceremony during...
Front Page, Events, Alumni, Students, Walker College NewsAs America prepares to reopen the economy, Appalachian students advise managers on lessons to be learned from front-line workers in final edition of HRM Solutions to COVID May 5, 2020
Students in Appalachian State University's Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management (IOHRM) program are considering...
Students, Front Page, Research, Dept - MGT, COVID-19Thirty five Appalachian students inducted into Gamma Sigma May 4, 2020
Thirty five students at Appalachian State University have been inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, the international business honors society for...
Students, Front PageAccounting students log on for firm meet and greet during stay-at-home order May 4, 2020
In a successful effort to continue Appalachian State University's normal recruitment process, the Walker College of Business' Department of...
Students, Dept - ACC, Front Page, Faculty, COVID-19Professor spotlight: Finance professor Jamie Parson shares her experiences teaching online during COVID-19 Apr 28, 2020
While the transition to remote learning and teaching amidst the spread of COVID-19 might be enough to cause stress to some, the professors, staff...
Faculty, Dept - FIN, Front Page, COVID-19Brantley Center names six to advisory council Apr 28, 2020
Appalachian State University's Brantley Risk & Insurance Center (BRIC) recently gained six new members of its board of advisors, according to...
Alumni, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Business Advisory Council, Dept - FIN, Front PageStudents share how human resources may support manufacturing during COVID-19 Apr 23, 2020
Students in Appalachian State University's Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management (IOHRM) program are considering how...
Students, Dept - MGT, Front Page, Research, COVID-19Spring 2020 #WalkerAbroad Photo Contest Winners Announced Apr 23, 2020
While 18 business students and faculty members at Appalachian State University submitted more than 50 photos for the Spring 2020...
International, Students, Front Page, Dept - MKT SCM, Sustainable Business