A Message from Dr. Delbert Goff
Over the past several years the Bowden Investment Group has grown in reputation; now it is time to start thinking about the long-term future of the group. I plan to retire in a few years and Dave plans to work with the BIG for a few more years. We both want to see the BIG continue to prosper long after we are retired and, in conjunction with Dean Heather Norris and Mr. Will Sears, we are taking steps to reach this objective.
We have established the David A. Thompson Professorship in Applied Investments. Our goal is to raise sufficient funds to establish an endowed professorship that will be used to attract a highly motivated faculty member to succeed us when we retire. We hope to have a faculty member who will take the BIG to new heights.
We are off to a good start. We began our efforts last spring by asking BIG alumni who had the benefit of working with Dave to set the tone for our fundraising efforts by giving to support the fund. The response was overwhelming as we had a 98% response rate; it is very rare to get a participation rate that high in a fundraising effort. In addition, two anonymous donors have made large contributions in honor of Dave.
Dave and I ask all of the BIG supporters to join us in supporting the professorship. Please help us pave the way for the future of the Bowden Investment Group.
Gifts can be made online or by mail. If sending your check by mail, please print the attached pledge form at the bottom of this page to enclose with your check. If paying online, please select "View additional funds/select multiple designations" under "Designations," then scroll to the Walker College of Business section and select "David A. Thompson Professorship in Applied Investments." Online giving will limit credit card payment pledges to 1 year; if you wish to set up a 2 (or more) year pledge with credit card payments, please contact Dawn Kuhn in Gift Processing at 828.262.6812.
Gifts should be made payable to the Appalachian State University Foundation. All gifts qualify for tax credit or deduction to the extent provided by state and federal laws.
Return your gift and/or pledge form to:
Kyle Allen
Executive Director of Development
Walker College of Business
Peacock Hall
416 Howard Street
PO Box 32037
Boone, NC 28608-2037
David A. Thompson Professorship in Applied Investments Pledge Form (PDF, 50 KB)