Dr. Lakshmi Iyer has earned the Sandra Slaughter Service Award from the Association for Information Systems (AIS) for her leadership and service to the association.
Dr. Iyer is a professor of computer information systems and acting associate dean for graduate programs and research in Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business. She joined Appalachian's faculty in 2017 as the inaugural director of App State's MS in Applied Data Analytics program. During her tenure, she has founded a data analytics competition team and the Innovate for Good initiative, which promotes interdisciplinary and collaborative activities to address social problems.
Dr. Iyer is serving as president-elect for the AIS College of Academic Leadership and as chair of the AIS Board for Special Interest Group in Decision Support and Analytics (SIGDSA). She served as the AIS Vice President of SIGs and Colleges from 2016-2021.
About AIS and the Sandra Slaughter Service Award
AIS serves society through the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of excellence in the practice and study of information systems. Learn more about AIS at aisnet.org. The Sandra Slaughter Service Award was established in 2014 and was granted for the first time in 2015. It honors Sandra Slaughter, who served as Region 1 Representative on the AIS Council until her untimely death in 2014. Learn more at ishistory.aisnet.org/awards.