Two new professorships in the Walker College will honor faculty in the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance.
Introduced last spring, and approved by Appalachian State University's Board of Trustees at their September 2016 meeting, the David A. Thompson Professorship in Applied Investments, to honor Bowden Investment Group co-advisor and finance lecturer Dave Thompson, is coming to a close. Generous gifts from Mr. Thompson's colleagues, friends, and former students will soon be eligible for a state match, creating a fully endowed professorship to continue the legacy of outstanding teaching and advising of the Bowden Investment Group.
In his roles as North Carolina Banking Association (NCBA) economist, dean of the NCBA's North Carolina School of Banking, and NCBA Chair of Banking at Appalachian, Dr. Harry Davis has served the banking industry and shaped the careers of thousands of students and bankers for 37 years. Consistently rated as one of the most popular professors at Appalachian, his regular classes include undergraduate commercial bank management and managerial fnance in the MBA program. In recognition of his service, the college, in collaboration with the NCBA, has created the Harry M. Davis Professorship in Banking at the Walker College of Business, which will allow Appalachian to attract and retain talent to teach, conduct research and perform service in the field of banking and finance, preserving and building upon Dr. Davis' lifetime of work and achievement. The professorship is thus far being funded by member organizations of the NCBA, and will be eligible for a state match application in spring 2017.
For details on how you or your organization can make a pledge, contact Walker College Development Director Will Sears, or (828) 262-6231, or visit