Sixteen faculty research projects and three faculty-led student research projects will be presented at the 2019 Walker College of Business Dean's Club Research Poster Session in the 2nd floor Boyles Lobby of Peacock Hall on Thursday, October 24.
The posters will be available for viewing from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
The reseach depicted in the posters were funded in part by the Walker College's Dean's Club, an annual giving society designed to benefit our students and faculty while enhancing our academic programs, and the four student research projects were funded in part by the Lee Barnes Benefaction for Learning Enhancement and Enrichment, a program that encourages students to engage in research with faculty outside of the normal classroom experience.
Research from: Economics Professors David Dickinson, Todd Cherry, Pete Groothuis, John Whitehead, David Bruner, Dave McEvoy, Brock Stoddard and Abhijit Ramalingham; Marketing Professors Pia Albinsson, Unal Boya, Christy Cook, Lubna Nafees, Nik Nikolov and Jim Stoddard; Information Systems Professors Sandy Vannoy, Dawn Medlin, Hoon Choi, Joseph Cazier and Jason Xiong; and Finance Professor Austin Eggers will be featured.
Research from Walker College students Stephen Striplin, Willard Robinson, Nicholas Bailey, Emily Turner and Sirisha Karra will also be on display.
Drop by to interact with the researchers at their respective posters periodically throughout the day to discuss their research.