An article co-authored by Dr. Bao Duong, an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems in the Walker College of Business, has been published in the "Early Access" area on IEEE Xplore – a digital, research database for discovery and access to journal articles, conference proceedings, technical standards, and related materials on computer science, electrical engineering and electronics, and allied fields.
Social Media in Emerging Economies: A Cross-Cultural Comparison
The article, entitled "Social Media in Emerging Economies: A Cross-Cultural Comparison," is co-authored by Dr. Tom Stafford, J.E. Barnes Professor at Louisiana Tech University.
Their research explores the notion of cultures of influence in Southeast Asia, including uniquely collectivist cultures like Vietnam and Singapore, where traditionally the needs and goals of the group are valued over the needs and desires of each individual.
The study offers clues to broaden understanding of unique aspects of Asian society and discuss about attractive emerging markets for Western media companies’ expansion. The authors provide six propositions for social media experts and practitioners to evaluate awareness and grasp best practices when studying social media in the region.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of the journal and its content is final as presented with the exception of pagination and issue designation. View the article by visiting the journal homepage on IEEE Xplore and select the "Early Access" tab.
Its Digital Object Identifier is 10.1109/TCSS.2022.3169412.
About the Department of Computer Information Systems
Students majoring or minoring in the Computer Information Systems (BSBA) degree at Appalachian State University gain valuable professional skills and capabilities, enabling them to pursue a wide variety of technology-related careers. They learn to work with networks, databases, web sites and integrated systems. Learn more at
About Faculty Research in the Walker College of Business
Walker College of Business faculty produce and disseminate extensive research through both academic and professional communities. In the last five years, faculty members have published approximately 400 peer-reviewed academic journal articles, 130 conference proceedings and made more than 400 conference and professional presentations in 170 different venues. In total, the faculty has produced more than 700 individual intellectual contributions in basic discovery research, more than 400 contributions in applied or integrative research and 240 contributions in teaching and learning research. For more information, visit