
Research posters to be presented Oct. 24

Research posters to be presented Oct. 24 Oct 15, 2019

Sixteen faculty research projects and three faculty-led student research projects will be presented at the 2019 Walker College of Business Dean's...

Faculty, Students, Dept - ECON, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MKT SCM, Research, Events, Front Page
Behind the scenes: App State faculty, staff and students partner with community in Appalachian Theatre project

Behind the scenes: App State faculty, staff and students partner with community in Appalachian Theatre project Oct 10, 2019

BOONE, N.C. — After eight years of planning and construction, the restored and renovated Appalachian Theatre in downtown Boone will open Oct. 14...

Faculty, Dept - ECON, Research, Front Page
Economics faculty receives research award

Economics faculty receives research award Oct 1, 2019

By Harley Nefe

BOONE, N.C. – Dr. John Whitehead, professor in the Department of Economics, received an award from the North...

Faculty, Research, Dept - ECON
Walker College of Business honor student presents research at Atlantic Marketing Association Annual Conference

In Pictures: Management, Marketing double major presents research at Atlantic Marketing Association Annual Conference Sep 27, 2019

Appalachian State University senior Rachael Beller presented her research, Recruiting Students in Higher Education in the age of Social Media...

Research, Front Page, Dept - MGT, Dept - MGT
Advertising research will help marketers know when to invest in ad creativity

Advertising research will help marketers know when to invest in ad creativity Jun 26, 2019

Research on advertisement creativity from Walker College Marketing Professor Ilgım Dara Benoit was recently published in the...

Research, Dept - MKT SCM, Faculty, Front Page
Eric Cheek ’18, Quantitative Geoscience major and Carly Maas, senior, Quantitative Geoscience major, measuring stream discharge in Boone Creek. Photo by Dr. William Anderson.

Survey respondents willing to pay for stormwater management and reduce negative effects from runoff Jun 11, 2019

Using the Boone Creek watershed that runs through Appalachian State University’s campus as a laboratory, an interdisciplinary research team at...

Front Page, Dept - ECON, Research, Sustainable Business