
Bee researchers quotes in N&O, TechWire stories

Bee researchers quotes in N&O, TechWire stories May 26, 2020

While bee supporters everywhere celebrated World Bee Day on May 20, 2020,  faculty members at Appalachian State University created a "...

Faculty, Centers - CARE, Dept - CIS, Research
App State researchers estimate lost economic activity of $52.4 million due to April restaurant closures

App State researchers estimate lost economic activity of $52.4 million due to April restaurant closures May 19, 2020

The economic impact of COVID-19-related restaurant and bar closures in April 2020, alone, is estimated as $52.4 million in lost gross regional...

Faculty, Centers - CERPA, Dept - ECON, Research, Walker College News, Front Page, COVID-19
Twelve business honors students earn degrees

Twelve business honors students earn degrees May 19, 2020

Twelve Walker College of Business honors students graduate from Appalachian State University for Spring 2020.

Students, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, Research
Dr. Joseph Cazier, left, and Dr. James Wilkes, members of Appalachian’s Center for Analytics Research and Education (CARE) team, check on beehives installed on Howard Street in Boone. Cazier is a professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems, and Wilkes is a professor in the Department of Computer Science.

Counting bees, because bees count — App State creates pollinator-tracking app May 18, 2020

BOONE, N.C. — “You can’t manage what you can’t measure,” is a saying attributed to Peter Drucker (1909–2005), one of the most widely known and...

Sustainable Business, Research, Faculty, Centers - CARE, Dept - CIS, Front Page
Megan MacDonald, Henning Tovar

MacDonald, Tovar honored by Cratis D. Williams School of Graduate Studies May 11, 2020

Megan MacDonald and Henning Tovar have been honored by Appalachian State University's Cratis D. Williams School of Graduate Studies. The two are...

Students, MSADA, Research

As America prepares to reopen the economy, Appalachian students advise managers on lessons to be learned from front-line workers in final edition of HRM Solutions to COVID May 5, 2020

Students in Appalachian State University's Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management (IOHRM) program are considering...

Students, Front Page, Research, Dept - MGT, COVID-19

Students present HR case study on struggling organization during COVID-19 May 4, 2020

Students in Appalachian State University's Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management (IOHRM) program are analyzing ...

Research, Dept - MGT, Students, COVID-19

Students share how human resources may support manufacturing during COVID-19 Apr 23, 2020

Students in Appalachian State University's Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management (IOHRM) program are considering how...

Students, Dept - MGT, Front Page, Research, COVID-19