Twelve Walker College of Business honors students graduate from Appalachian State University for Spring 2020.
Accounting, economics and finance and banking triple major Nicholas Bailey has earned a degree with honors in economics. His thesis is entitled Experimental Analysis of the House-Money Effect in a Public Goods Environment. Dr. Brock Stoddard served as Bailey's thesis director and Dr. Abhijit Ramalingam served as second reader.
Management and marketing major Rachael Beller has earned a degree with honors in marketing. Her thesis is entitled Recruiting Students in Higher Education in the Age of Social Media. Dr. Pia Albinsson served as Beller's thesis director and Jeff Cathey served as second reader.
Economics and marketing major Abigail Edwards has earned a degree with honors in marketing. Her thesis is entitled Advertising Effectiveness of an Anthropomorphic Spokes Character vs. Spokesperson in a Collaborative Service. Dr. Pia Albinsson served as Edwards' thesis director and Dr. Brock Stoddard served as second reader. Edwards is also a member of the university honors program.
MBA candidate Stephen Justice has earned a degree with honors in economics. His thesis is entitled A Slippery Slope: A Hedonic Property Value Study of Landslide Risk and Economic Costs in Watauga. Dr. Dennis Guignet served as Justice's thesis director and Dr. Lee Ball served as second reader. Justice is also a member of the university honors program. He also holds a BSBA in economics from Appalachian.
Related: Justice named top economics student
Finance and banking major and management double major John Miller has earned a degree with honors in management. His thesis is entitled Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of Alternative Sustainable Transportation. Dr. Rajat Panwar served as Miller's thesis director, and Dr. Jim Westerman served as second reader.
Risk management and insurance major Jaxon Mitchell has earned a degree with honors in risk management and insurance. His thesis is entitled Business Interruption, Income Loss and Value-at-Risk to Catastrophes. Dr. Lorilee Medders served as Mitchell's thesis director, and Dr. Rick Klima served as second reader. Mitchell is also a member of the university honors program.
Computer information systems and international business double major Jennifer Moerk has earned a degree with honors in computer information systems. Her thesis is entitled Learning from Experience: Perceived Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Benefits of Experiential Study Abroad. Dr. Charlie Chen served as Moerk's thesis director, and Dr. Martin Meznar served as second reader. Moerk is also a member of the university honors program.
Related: Moerk named top international business student
Finance and banking and risk management and insurance double major Tristan Pike has earned a degree with honors in finance. His thesis is entitled An Investigation of the Personal Finance Characteristics of Gen Z in Secondary Education Programs. Dr. Brandy Hadley served as Pike's thesis director, and Dr. Lorilee Medders served as second reader. Pike is also a member of the university honors program.
MBA candidate Malory Schultz has earned a degree with honors in computer information systems. Her thesis is entitled Technological Advancements of Order Fulfillment with The Utilization of Business Process Management: A Business Practicum of Lowe's Companies, LLC. Dr. Sandra Vannoy served as Shultz' thesis director, and Dr. Steven Leon served as second reader. Schultz is also a member of the university honors program. She also holds a BSBA in computer information systems and supply chain management from Appalachian.
Computer information systems and supply chain management double major Blaise Smith has earned a degree with honors in supply chain management. Her thesis is entitled The Opportunities and Challenges of Blockchain Adoption in Supply Chain Management. Dr. Jason Xiong served as Smith's thesis director, and Dr. Dawn Medlin served as second reader.
Finance and banking major Dakota Sweet has earned a degree with honors in finance. His thesis is entitled Energy in the United States: An Industry Analysis. Dr. Brandy Hadley served as Sweet's thesis director, and Dr. Lorilee Medders served as second reader.
Computer information systems major Christian Wilson has earned a degree with honors in computer information systems. His thesis is entitled An Analysis of the Relationship Between Recent Electronic Data Breaches and Enacted Data Security and Privacy Legislation in the United States. Dr. Dawn Medlin and Dr. Sandra Vannoy served as thesis co-directors for Wilson, and Dr. Austin Eggers served as second reader. Wilson is also a member of the university honors program.
Related: Wilson named top student in computer information systems
"These students have completed outstanding research during a challenging period," said Walker College Honors Program Director, Dr. Lorilee Medders. "I wish them the best on their graduation, and we'll be following their careers closely."
About Business Honors at Appalachian State University
The Walker College of Business Honors Program is a selective program for students maintaining a minimum of a 3.4 GPA. Sophomores and first semester juniors who meet this qualification will be invited to apply. To graduate with honors, a student in the program must complete 9 hours of Walker College of Business honors courses and 3 hours of honors thesis coursework. Learn more at