
$25,000 Biotech grant will fund CARE bee research

$25,000 Biotech grant will fund CARE bee research May 31, 2019

Appalachian State University's Center for Analytics Research and Education (CARE) has received a $25,000 grant from the ...

Faculty, Research, Centers - CARE, Dept - CIS
Research from Walker College accounting professors honored by IMA

Research from Walker College accounting professors honored by IMA May 20, 2019

Two Appalachian State University accounting professors were recently honored by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), a professional...

Faculty, Research, Dept - ACC
Walker College announces inaugural recipients of Dean's Club Research Prize

Walker College announces inaugural recipients of Dean's Club Research Prize May 7, 2019

During the 2019 G.A. Sywassink Day of Excellence, four Appalachian State University business professors earned the first-ever ...

Faculty, Dept - MKT SCM, Dept - MGT, Dept - ECON, Sustainable Business, Research, Front Page, Walker College News
Dr. Joseph Cazier, director of Appalachian's Center for Analytics Research and Education, presenting at the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization event

CARE director presents beekeeping technology to United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, further aligns Walker College with sustainable development goals Apr 4, 2019

In September 2015, The United Nations developed 17 sustainable development goals that could transform the world. In response, administrators in...

Faculty, Sustainable Business, Dept - CIS, Research, Front Page
Appalachian Chancellor's Innovation Scholars

Winners announced for 2019 Chancellor’s Innovation Scholars Program Mar 25, 2019

Appalachian State University recently announced the projects that comprise the 2019 Chancellor’s Innovation Scholars Program,...

Faculty, Centers - CARE, Dept - FIN, Dept - CIS, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Front Page, Research
Andrew Scott, Preston Macdonald and Rafael Braga presenting at Southern Appalachian Honey Bee Research Consortium

Appalachian students present at Southern Appalachian Honey Bee Research Consortium Mar 18, 2019

Appalachian State University students recently presented at the Southern Appalachian Honey Bee Research Consortium (SAHBRC),...

Students, Dept - CIS, Research, Sustainable Business, Centers - CARE, Front Page
Economics professor's research suggests lack of sleep reduces voter turnout

Economics professor's research suggests lack of sleep reduces voter turnout Mar 6, 2019

Insufficient sleep is a health concern, and its effects reach beyond physical health. While a lack of sleep is known to negatively impact some...

Faculty, Dept - ECON, Front Page, Research
Students and faculty members from Appalachian State University recently attended Duke University's Sustainable Business and Social Impact (SBSI) Conference,

Appalachian students, faculty members attend Sustainable Business and Social Impact Conference Feb 22, 2019

Students and faculty members from Appalachian State University recently attended Duke University's Sustainable Business and Social Impact (SBSI)...

Students, Faculty, Sustainable Business, Research
Many men would pay thousands to re-grow their hair

Economists figured out just how much men will pay to end baldness Feb 15, 2019

Let’s say a man who’s bald as bowling ball, à la Bruce Willis today, has the opportunity to re-grow those locks so as to resemble a more luscious...

Research, Dept - ECON