Eight Appalachian State University students attended the annual Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Fall Leadership Development Conference (FLDC) in Greensboro, North Carolina, November 9-10, 2018.
The students, from back to front, are John Dostert, Emma Harkins, Bennett Batten, Jordan Boyd, Austin Solomon, Riana Clark, Jenny Zheng and Rachel Bellflowers. All are members of Appalachian's chapter of PBL, housed in the Walker College of Business.
During the conference, the students networked with members of other North Carolina chapters and heard seminars on professional and club development. The group also participated in votes for a by-laws amendment and a pin design for the upcoming State and National Leadership Conferences.
"Our chapter was recognized for having the second largest professional division membership in the Western Region," said PBL Vice President John Dostert, who helped coordinate the opportunity. "We also earned a Gold Star Chapter designation."
"The chapter members networked with other chapters across the state and are bringing back valuable skills to prepare for the State Leadership Conference in the Spring," added PBL President Jenny Zheng.
Phi Beta Lambda is the collegiate division of the national association, Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL). The organization's main focus is business and leadership development. Its mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. ASU PBL members participate in leadership and professional development programs, competitive events, and community service activities. Learn more online, pbl.appstate.edu.