Majoring in marketing and minoring in graphic arts and imaging technology, Appalachian State University junior Emma Spear has an affinity for digital marketing.
She has always been interested in graphic arts and quickly discovered that the marketing field would allow her to utilize her skills in both sales and design.
Emma has been designing artwork for both friends and organizations since she was young, including team t-shirts for her high school sports teams. Once on campus at Appalachian, she found even more opportunity to continue developing her skills.
During her sophomore year, Emma designed a logo for the women's club volleyball team, and the logo was featured on the organization's t-shirts, which were worn by all club members for two semesters.
The combined fields of study from Appalachian's colleges of Fine & Applied Arts (graphic arts) and Walker College of Business (marketing) have set Emma on a fast track to make her mark in digital marketing.
Gaining confidence in her abilities and beginning her junior year, Emma began looking for more ways to expand her knowledge in the marketing field. She landed a role as a communications assistant in the Walker College of Business dean's office.
In this new role, Emma is working on the marketing, media and events promotion within the Walker College. She designs promotional artwork that is featured in Peacock Hall and has a strong presence on the college's social media platforms.
From designing artwork for her friends in high school to collaborating on digital marketing development within the college, Emma has grown significantly. Look forward to hearing more from her as she contributes to our catalog of Appalachian stories and social media posts in the Walker College of Business.
About the Department of Marketing
The Department of Marketing focuses on academic excellence, providing functional business knowledge and the practical application of marketing principles. Learn more at
About the Department of Art
One of seven departments housed in the College of Fine and Applied Arts, the Department of Art at Appalachian State University prepares students to explore art, identity, expression and creative problem-solving while challenging them to go beyond their previous limits by discovering new connections to culture. The department offers degrees in art and visual culture, art education, graphic design, studio art, commercial photography and graphic arts and imaging technology, with minors in art history, studio art, commercial photography and graphic arts and imaging technology. Learn more at