Two Walker College of Business alumni are inaugural inductees of the Trillium Society, a community of Beaver College of Health Sciences affiliates that recognizes and celebrates distinguished achievements of college affiliates who exemplify the college’s values.
The inductees are Dr. Richard Sparks HCM '76, MBA '78 and Beth Murray HCM '86. Both earned bachelor's degrees in Health Care Management, a program that was housed in the Walker College of Business before the opening of the Beaver College in 2010.
In addition to being inducted into the Trillium Society, Dr. Sparks received one of two Beaver College Distinguished Alumni Awards.
Retired president of present-day Appalachian Regional Healthcare, Sparks has a legacy of accomplishments including facilitating the donation of the land where Levine Hall now stands, establishing endowed scholarship and awards, and mentoring students, alumni and faculty in health sciences and business.
Related: Medlin, Sparks honored as college-level alumni
In total, 12 inductees were honored at the Trillium Induction ceremony held Oct. 28 in Leon Levine Hall. Read more: College Presents Awards and Inducts 12 Leaders Into Trillium Society
Dr. Richard Sparks with Beaver College of Health Sciences Dean Marie Huff