Walker College Innovation Grants: Proposals Due Nov. 30

Appalachian State University business faculty and staff with instructional responsibilities are encouraged to submit proposals for the Walker College's Innovation Grants for Transformational Educational Experiences Promoting Engagement and Impact.

Proposals that have the highest potential for innovative engagement and impact with faculty, students, and the business community and focus on attainment of the WCOB strategic goals, will receive highest support.

The purpose of the grant awards is to foster educational engagement, accelerate innovation, and amplify the impact of Walker College of Business education.

Academic and practice-oriented engagement is reflected in activities that support the integration of relevant, current theory of business and management across teaching, research, and service consistent with the Walker College mission and its supporting strategies. Quality business education requires the right mix of both academic and professional, or practice-oriented, engagement. Student academic and professional engagement occurs when students are actively involved in their educational experiences, in both academic and professional settings, and when they are able to connect these experiences in meaningful ways.

Proposals will be reviewed by the Instructional Innovation Grants Committee. Grant awards will range from $500 - $5,000, with higher dollar amounts being awarded to those proposals that require substantial effort and have the highest potential for innovative engagement and impact. Priority will be given to proposals focusing on attainment of the Walker College mission, vision, values and strategic goals. The Instructional Innovation Grants Subcommittee will determine the award winners, award amounts, and payout schedules of the awards. Below is an outline of information needed for a proposal. Please email completed proposals to Kathy Mann (mnnks@appstate.edu) by November 30, 2017.

Submission Guidelines

Proposals should include:

  1. Title and Description of the "Transformational Educational Experience" highlighting the innovative aspects of the proposal.
  2. Timeline for accomplishing the work, including proposed start and end dates.
  3. Description of any special resources (space, hardware, software, etc.) needed along with both one-time and recurring costs.
  4. Description of how the activity advances the WCOB Mission and Strategic Goals
  5.  Description of how the activity engages student, faculty and/or the business community
  6. Description of the impact this activity is expected to have in the educational experience of students, in the academic community, and/or in the business community.
  7. Measure(s) of the success of this activity.
  8. Requested amount.
  9. Acknowledgement (simple yes or no is sufficient) by the department chair or center director of affected organization that the innovation will be implemented or piloted.

Please email completed proposals to Kathy Mann by November 30, 2017.

Published: Oct 25, 2017 4:18pm
