Twenty three business students gathered on March 1 in Peacock Hall on the campus of Appalachian State University to learn about the business honors program.
The students, sophomore and first-semester juniors who have earned a high grade point average in their course work to date, were pre-selected and invited to join the honors program this semester.
During the event, the students met with Walker College of Business deans, honors faculty members and fellow invited students.
To graduate with honors, a student must complete three core business classes with the honors designation and three one-hour thesis courses culminating in the presentation of a thesis during the senior year. The objective is to involve students with a faculty member of their choice on a project which is of mutual interest to develop their own research.
The Walker College's honors program offers smaller classes, the opportunity to develop stronger relationships with faculty and other honors students, special recognition at graduation and on the transcript, and the ability to create new knowledge through the thesis project. More Information online or contact Program Director Dawn Medlin,
More about student research in the Walker College
The Walker College Business encourages sustainable business practices through teaching, research, and service endeavors. Business students are eligible to apply for a variety of research grants designed to cover costs associated with research projects or creative endeavors, including Appalachian State University Office of Student Research Grants, Barnes Program Research Grants, and the CERPA Scholars Program.