On Friday, April 28, approximately 50 business students from Appalachian State University will travel to regional high schools to share a financial literacy workshop with ninth graders.
The students will travel with Walker College of Business staff and faculty members to Ashe County High School and West Wilkes High School, delivering a workshop called "The Reality of Money" to the ninth grade classes.
State Employees Credit Union (SECU) developed the Reality of Money workshop for grades 8-12. SECU and Gear Up NC Program are major partners in the 2017 Walker College financial literacy service activity.
"Partnering with SECU and the many student groups represented in the volunteer group is a great opportunity for Gear Up to reach regional high school students in a unique environment," said Gear Up Coordinator and Transportation Insight Center for Entrepreneurship Assistant Director Jonathan Carpenter.
During the program, participants will be randomly assigned a profile including a career and corresponding salary, highest level of education completed, marital status, number of children, student loan payments and savings account balance. Students visit 12 stations, including transportation, housing and communication, and must make spending decisions and balance their budgets.
Student volunteers are members of student clubs, programs and student-led organizations in the college, including: the National Association for Business Economics, Net Impact, Women of Walker, AIESEC, American Marketing Association, Appalachian Supply Chain Club, Association of Information Technology Professionals, Association of Student Entrepreneurs, Beta Alpha Psi, Finance Student Association, Business Honors Association, International Business Student Association, Phi Beta Lambda, Pi Sigma Epsilon and Walker Fellows.
Walker Fellows Vice President Emily Young helped organize the event. "The Walker Fellows organization provides outreach to, and interaction with, future students," said Young. "This event is a great opportunity to share with high school students the opportunities that await them in the Walker College of Business."
For more information on the 20+ business clubs at Appalachian, visit business.appstate.edu/students.
The event is part of the second annual Walker College Service Week. Alumni and friends of the college are encouraged to serve their communities where they are during Walker College Service Week, April 23-29, 2017.
"We encourage those participating to wear their Appalachian black and gold and share a picture on social media using the hashtag #WCOBServiceWeek," said Walker College Communications Director Haley Childers. "On social media, tag the college with @walkercob or email an image of you and your friends or family serving others to wcob@appstate.edu."