The Walker College of Business Dean's Club now invites proposals for research grants for 2017-18. The Dean's Club grants, intended to assist faculty in paying expenses associated with conducting high quality, impactful research, are available to tenured and tenure track faculty in increments of up to $1,000. Awards greater than $1000 may be considered under special circumstances.
The Walker College Dean's Club is an annual giving society designed to benefit our students and faculty while enhancing our academic programs. Contributions from Dean's Club members provide unrestricted support each year for critical needs in the college such as: student scholarships, travel funds for faculty and students to attend course-related conferences and/or visits to corporations, seed money for new programs or opportunities within the college, and resources to bring guest lecturers, such as leaders in business and government, to the classroom.
Proposals are due by December 1, 2017. Submit a proposal online, or for more information, contact the Walker College's Office of Graduate Programs and Research, 828-262-2922.