The Walker College of Business at Appalachian State University has announced the addition of a minor in business analytics beginning in the Fall 2020 term.
The minor is designed for business majors who want to strengthen their abilities to use data to make better business decisions. The minor will provide students with skills in collecting and managing data, designing experiments, programming, detecting patterns in data (e.g., data mining and data visualization) and using data to test predictive models and hypotheses.
The new minor program requires 15 hours of coursework, including six hours of electives.
Required courses include Managing and Visualizing Business Data (CIS 3060), Programming Software Solutions (CIS 3680) and either Applied Econometrics (ECO 4720) or Forecasting and Time Series (ECO 4740). Students will also select two electives from the following list: Accounting Systems and Internal Control (ACC 3570), Advanced Spreadsheet Analytics (CIS 3731 ), Audit Analytics (CIS 3740), Experimental and Behavioral Economics (ECO 3680), Managerial Economics (ECO 3710), Applied Econometrics (ECO 4720), Forecasting and Time Series (ECO 4740), Financial Analysis using Computer Applications (FIN 3990), FinTech/InsureTech (FIN 4850 ), Geospatial Data and Technology (GHY 2812 ), Business Ethics (MGT 4770), Marketing Analytics (MKT 4050), Marketing Research (MKT 4620), Analytical Models for SCM (SCM 4870).
Interested students should consult their business academic advisor. Learn more at