Student Research in the Walker College
Given the speed by which the world changes, students must develop the ability to constantly adapt. While the traditional classroom setting plays an important role, it must be complemented with a diversity of other approaches that more fully develop students' adaptive capabilities and enhance readiness for an ever-changing world. To reach this goal, the Walker College supports project-based applied research and learning opportunities through partnerships with external entities, encourages research collaboration across departments, campus and other institutions, and promotes student involvement in faculty-led research.
A student research experience is an in-depth investigation, in the form of an out-of-the-classroom project, that is conducted by a business student supervised by a faculty mentor. Student research provides an excellent opportunity to:
- Work on an issue or question that you are interested in,
- Learn how business firms and government agencies actually do research,
- Gain additional job skills,
- Work more closely in a collaborative and mentoring context with a professor,
- Improve presentation skills.
Business students are eligible to apply for a variety of research grants designed to cover costs associated with research projects or creative endeavors, including Barnes Program Research Grants, the CERPA Scholars Program, and the Appalachian State University Office of Student Research Grants.
Travel Support
Appalachian's Office of Student Research also offers grants to be used to defray the cost of travel to present results of research or creative performance at a professional conference in one's field.