Recent lecture
The 66th Boyles Distinguished Lecture, held on Friday, March 21, featured Todd M. Campbell, President and Chief Executive Officer of Builders Insurance Group. His talk was entitled Risk and Reward: The Transformative Power of YES in Business and Life. View event photos.
Upcoming Lecture
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Todd M. Campbell
Todd M. Campbell is President and Chief Executive Officer of Builders Insurance Group (Builders), an A.M. Best “A” rated insurance company located in Atlanta, Georgia. Builders is a super-regional insurer operating in 20+ states and its surplus lines carrier is licensed in 49 jurisdictions in America. Builders, with $370 million in surplus, $1.1 billion in assets under management, $300+mm in annual premium and 200+ employees, has been an integral part of the Worker’s Compensation, General Liability and Commercial Insurance markets in the Southeast for 32 years.
Prior to joining Builders in early 2021, Todd was CEO, for 4 ½ years, of one the fastest growing program insurer in the United States, leading the company from $0 GWP to $650+mm in contracted premium. He also served as a London-based expat CEO for four years, leading a Lloyd’s of London coverholder MGA with offices in London, Paris and Madrid. During his leadership, gross written premiums and profits each doubled and Todd and his company were named Employer of the Year in South England in the prestigious Kent Excellence in Business Awards, for his high impact corporate and cultural change initiatives.
Todd spent the early part of his career as a corporate mergers and acquisitions attorney and political affairs lobbyist representing many insurers and insurance related organizations as lead lobbyist in Georgia. During his practice he was lead attorney on some of the largest health insurer formations and acquisitions in Georgia history, the formation of multiple health care and insurance companies in Georgia, and served as counsel to many insurers doing business in Georgia.
Todd currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of Sagicor Life Insurance company, part of Sagicor Financial Corporation, a 150-year-old insurer oper across the Caribbean and Canada, publicly traded on the Toronto Stock exchange, with $22 billion in assets under management.
In June 2024, in recognition of his transformational leadership at Builders, Todd was recognized as a 2024 Most Admired CEO by the Atlanta Business Chronicle.
Todd received his B.S. in History from Appalachian State University and received his law degree from Mercer University’s Woodruff School of Law in Georgia. Todd was a student leader during his time at Appalachian and served as the university’s second two term student body president in the University’s history. In his junior year, he led the Beer in Boone campaign which resulted in a resounding victory following the voter registration efforts that captured thousands of new student voters in town and a courtroom victory when all the student registrations were challenged as illegal. To improve safety on campus for female students, Todd led the effort to create Mountaineer Escort, which ultimately resulted in the blue light safety system that you see today across campus. Todd and his mentor, Chancellor John Thomas, along with then Boone Mayor, Larry Keeter who was also an ASU professor, formed the Community Board of Relations in an effort to create a forum for dialogue among the Town, business and government leaders, the students and the University. In his senior year he was appointed an ex officio member of the Boone Town Council and was recognized as an outstanding citizen of Boone for his work as a student leader on campus and in Boone.
History of the Boyles Series
About Harlan Boyles
The college's Distinguished Lecture Series began in the Spring of 1988. In October 1991 the Series was dedicated to Treasurer Boyles in honor of his service to the State of North Carolina. An endowment fund was established at that time, with the assistance of U.S. Senator James T. Broyhill (1927 – 2023), to permanently endow the series in Boyles' name.
Harlan E. Boyles (1929 – 2003) devoted his 49-year career to the citizens of the State of North Carolina. A native of Lincoln County, Boyles was elected to six four-year terms as State Treasurer and served under nine governors. His name was associated throughout the state and the nation with fiscal integrity, hard work and honesty.
Harlan Boyles was dedicated to education, and through his involvement with Appalachian State University and the Walker College of Business, he was able to share his experience, advice and wise counsel with hundreds of students and future business leaders. For eleven years, he came to campus to preside over the bi-annual Harlan E. Boyles Distinguished Lecture Series.
Not only did his association with the Walker College make a difference in many on-campus endeavors, but it also had a tremendous effect on the college’s fund-raising efforts. He was honored with three separate endowments in the college -- for the lecture series, student scholarships, and faculty support. These endowments will provide an impact on the college for years to come.
Boyles lectures were held each semester through 2016, and beginning in 2017, the lecture became an annual event.