Vannoy to serve as chair elect for Boone Chamber Executive Committee Jul 7, 2020
The Boone Area Chamber of Commerce...
Faculty, Dept - CIS, Service, Front PageSummer internships offer practical experience, even amid global pandemic Jun 30, 2020
The Walker College of Business emphasizes experiential learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, social engagement and value driven innovation...
Students, COVID-19, Front Page, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCMWalker College faculty support global education virtually Jun 4, 2020
While the COVID-19 virus has traveled the world with relative ease, we humans have had to forego our travels for a time.
International, MBA, Faculty, Dept - ECON, Dept - CIS, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, MSADA, Global and Civic EngagementBee researchers quotes in N&O, TechWire stories May 26, 2020
While bee supporters everywhere celebrated World Bee Day on May 20, 2020, faculty members at Appalachian State University created a "...
Faculty, Centers - CARE, Dept - CIS, ResearchApp State business students and faculty reconfigure Bengaluru, India, study abroad May 26, 2020
While a global pandemic keeps American citizens home, innovative faculty in the Walker College of Business have found a way to show students the...
International, Students, Dept - CIS, MSADA, Front PageTwelve business honors students earn degrees May 19, 2020
Twelve Walker College of Business honors students graduate from Appalachian State University for Spring 2020.
Students, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, ResearchCounting bees, because bees count — App State creates pollinator-tracking app May 18, 2020
BOONE, N.C. — “You can’t manage what you can’t measure,” is a saying attributed to Peter Drucker (1909–2005), one of the most widely known and...
Sustainable Business, Research, Faculty, Centers - CARE, Dept - CIS, Front PageWalker College of Business names 30 students to App State's Best List Apr 30, 2020
Faculty in Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business have selected App State's Best for 2020, the top students by business major...
Dept - ACC, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, Students, MBA, MSADA, Walker College NewsComputer information systems professors honored as "transfer champion" Apr 20, 2020
Walker College of Business professor Lewis Alexander has received Appalachian State University's Transfer Champion award for 2020.
Faculty, Dept - CIS, Front Page