Brantley Center invites students of all majors to join book club Feb 21, 2021
Join the Brantley Risk & Insurance Center in their annual Book Club!
Students, Dept - FIN, Centers - Brantley Risk and InsuranceBowden Investment Group releases January 2021 update Feb 15, 2021
Appalachian State University's Bowden Investment Group (BIG) recently...
Students, Bowden Investment Group, Dept - FINApp State finance faculty member to serve as NAIC research fellow Feb 10, 2021
Dr. Jamie Parson, an assistant professor of finance in Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business has been named a...
Dept - FIN, FacultyRegional Economist Harry Davis delivers annual High Country economic forecast Jan 29, 2021
BOONE — Playing to a televised audience of Watauga County business leaders, the Boone Area and Blowing Rock Chambers of Commerce presented the...
Harry Davis, Faculty, Dept - FINA December to remember for App State’s more than 1,700 graduates Dec 14, 2020
Front Page, Alumni, Students, Dept - ACC, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCMApp State senior wins RIMS ERM Student Video Competition Nov 25, 2020
Appalachian State University student Matthew Scott has won the 2020 RIMS ERM Student Video Competition.
Students, Dept - FIN, Dept - MKT SCM, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Sustainable Business, Research, Front PageSeven recognized for their international achievements in virtual awards ceremony Nov 17, 2020
Five Appalachian State University business students and two faculty members have earned awards from the Walker College of Business for...
Faculty, Students, Dept - MKT SCM, Events, Global and Civic Engagement, International, Dept - FIN, MBA, MSADAAppRISE Research Group Explores COVID Impact on Businesses Nov 12, 2020
The AppRISE 2020-21 team is comprised of Professor Lori Medders; seniors Katie Cole, Sean James, Baylee O'Connor, Susann Rivera, Sonu Sangani,...
COVID-19, Students, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Dept - FIN, Research21 business professors named most helpful by first year students for 2019-20 Nov 10, 2020
Each fall, Appalachian State University's Office of Student Success produces and distributes a...
Faculty, Centers - Center for Entrepreneurship, Dept - ACC, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MKT SCM