Economic forecast: 2020 will continue upswing in economy trends Jan 21, 2020
BLOWING ROCK — The nation is in its 11th year of economic expansion and there is "not a recession in sight," according to local economist Harry...
Faculty, Front Page, Harry Davis, Dept - FINInsurance professor quoted in article about 'cheap' car insurance Dec 12, 2019 recently posted an article about "cheap" car...
Faculty, Dept - FIN, Centers - Brantley Risk and InsuranceHarry Davis to present economic forecast for 2020 Dec 12, 2019
The 4th Annual High Country Economic Kickoff Breakfast is scheduled for Thursday, January 16th from 7:30-9:00am, at the Meadowbrook Inn in...
Front Page, Faculty, Harry Davis, Dept - FINEight earn awards for outstanding international engagement Nov 18, 2019
Four Appalachian State University business students and four faculty members have earned awards from the Walker College of Business for...
Faculty, Students, Dept - FIN, Dept - CIS, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, Dept - ACC, Events, International, Walker College News, Sustainable Business, Front Page, MBATwenty nine Walker College students are first to earn Summit Certification Nov 8, 2019
Twenty-nine Appalachian State University students are the first to receive a new Summit Certification offered through the Brantley Risk &...
Students, Dept - FIN, Centers - Brantley Risk and InsuranceResearch posters to be presented Oct. 24 Oct 15, 2019
Sixteen faculty research projects and three faculty-led student research projects will be presented at the 2019 Walker College of Business Dean's...
Faculty, Students, Dept - ECON, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MKT SCM, Research, Events, Front PageApp State’s Dr. Leigh Dunston receives 2019 Academic Freedom and Faculty Governance Award Oct 15, 2019
BOONE, N.C. — Dr.
Faculty, Dept - FIN, Front PageWalker College senior DeJon Milbourne sworn into App State's Board of Trustees Sep 27, 2019
BOONE, N.C. — New and reappointed members of Appalachian State University’s Board of Trustees were sworn in during the board’s Sept. 13 meeting...
Students, Front Page, Dept - FIN, Dept - ACCGlobal Supply Chain & Analytics Study Abroad Trip: India Sep 10, 2019
Roberto Sibrian, a senior risk management and insurance student at Appalachian State...
Students, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Dept - FIN, International, Front PageThe Walker College welcomes new faculty and staff members in Fall 2019 Aug 22, 2019
The Walker College of Business at Appalachian State University announces the appointments of 17 new faculty members and 5 new staff members.
Walker College News, Front Page, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Centers - Center for Entrepreneurship, Centers - Business Career Services, Dept - ACC, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM