Dept - FIN

Avery Clark, Ashley Meacham, William Landrum, Rachel Hamlin

App State students' first Excel challenge of the new year Mar 4, 2025

Students from Appalachian State University participated in the Excel Esports Weekend Battle Feb 20-23, part of the Microsoft Excel Collegiate Challenge (MECC...

Students, Competition, Dept - FIN, Front Page
Dr. Heather Hulburt Norris, Chancellor

Dr. Heather Hulburt Norris named chancellor of Appalachian State University Feb 27, 2025

Norris assumes role with more than 2 decades of academic leadership, vision and expertise Walker College News, Faculty, Dept - FIN, Front Page
Walker College of Business names 30 students to App State's Best List

Walker College of Business names 30 students to App State's Best List Apr 30, 2020

Faculty in Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business have selected App State's Best for 2020, the top students by business major...

Dept - ACC, Dept - CIS, Dept - ECON, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Dept - MKT SCM, Students, MBA, MSADA, Walker College News
Jamie Parson, second from left, with her family

Professor spotlight: Finance professor Jamie Parson shares her experiences teaching online during COVID-19 Apr 28, 2020

While the transition to remote learning and teaching amidst the spread of COVID-19 might be enough to cause stress to some, the professors, staff...

Faculty, Dept - FIN, Front Page, COVID-19
Pictured, clockwise from top left are Annas, Black, Dillon, Trevisan, Moore and Bagwell.

Brantley Center names six to advisory council Apr 28, 2020

Appalachian State University's Brantley Risk & Insurance Center (BRIC) recently gained six new members of its board of advisors, according to...

Alumni, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Business Advisory Council, Dept - FIN, Front Page

Alumni transition business from outdoor gear production to face mask production amid pandemic shortages Apr 5, 2020

In recent weeks, America's healthcare system has seen a mass shortage of PPE, personal protective equipment, and some citizens are assisting with...

Alumni, Dept - FIN, Dept - MGT, Holland Fellows, Sustainable Business, Front Page, COVID-19
Finance professor offers advice on unsecured credit cards for people with bad credit

Finance professor offers advice on unsecured credit cards for people with bad credit Feb 27, 2020

Alex Holcomb Ph.D., Appalachian State University Assistant Professor of Finance, is featured as an expert from...

Dept - FIN, Research

Finance students win state CFA Institute Research Challenge Feb 24, 2020

Appalachian State University's 2020 Broyhill Fellows have won the North Carolina CFA Institute Research Challenge, besting student teams from ...

Students, Front Page, Dept - FIN, Bowden Investment Group, Competition
Dr. Heather Hulburt Norris has been named interim provost and executive vice chancellor for Appalachian State University.

Dr. Heather Hulburt Norris named Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Feb 10, 2020

BOONE, N.C. — Dr. Heather Hulburt Norris has been named interim provost and executive vice chancellor for Appalachian State University. Dr....

Faculty, Dept - FIN, Front Page, Walker College News
Employee benefits students attend health benefits conference and expo

Employee benefits students attend health benefits conference and expo Jan 29, 2020

Two students studying employee benefits in Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business participated in the Health Benefits...

Dept - FIN, Centers - Brantley Risk and Insurance, Students, Faculty, Events, Front Page
Appalachian alumni Bradley Rhyne ’07 and Filipe Ho ’07 to open new retail space next month

Charlotte based menswear brand Ole Mason Jar announces new location in Southend's Design Center of the Carolinas Jan 22, 2020

Men's clothing company OLE MASON JAR, founded in Charlotte in 2013 by two graduates of Appalachian State University (Bradley Rhyne and Filipe Ho...

Centers - Center for Entrepreneurship, Alumni, Dept - FIN