Walker College of Business Finance and Banking Professor Harry Davis is featured in this summer's edition of Carolina Banker magazine.
The quarterly magazine reported that Davis will be honored through the establishment of an endowed professorship at Appalachian State University in his name.
Carolina Banker, published by Community Bank Services, covers news about banks, savings institutions and trust companies as well as affiliated financial industries.
A fully-endowed professorship requires $1 million in funding, and when $666,667 in gifts and/or pledges is made, the Walker College of Business may apply for matching funds from the State of North Carolina; the state will provide matching funds of $333,333 to create a $1,000,000 endowment. To be eligible for matching funds, all pledges are to be completed within a five-year period.
The article stated, "At the time of this printing, early pledges exceed $100,000 from the NCBA and its members."
For details on how individuals or organizations can make a pledge contact Will Sears at the Walker College of Business, searswill@appstate.edu or (828) 262-6231.