Neel Das, a professor in the Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management at Appalachian State University, has been named co Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Consumer Marketing.
Dr. Das will work alongside Dr. Mujde Yuksel (Suffolk Univ, Boston). The Journal of Consumer Marketing is ranked as an “A” level publication by ABDC – the Australian Business Deans Council. ABDC is considered a ‘quality check’ for business journals by many.
Dr. Das joined the faculty in the Walker College of Business in 2007 and serves as director of the MBA program. Dr. Das’ research has received honors in conferences sponsored by the Society of Marketing Advances and the Atlantic Marketing Association. He has received grant funding for his work from App State's Research Council, the Walker College of Business Dean's Club, and the Networks Financial Institute (Indiana State University). His research has been published in a variety of journals including the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Marketing Letters and others. Dr. Das holds a Ph.D. in marketing from Louisiana State University.
About the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management
At Appalachian State University, students in the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management learn to drive industry initiatives that develop customer satisfaction and retention, contribute to company profits and build connections with suppliers, distributors and the community. Students majoring in marketing may select a concentration in general marketing, digital marketing or sales. Students majoring in supply chain management learn about logistics, operations, strategic sourcing, process improvement strategies and supply chain technologies, enabling them to help future employers reduce costs, improve profits and expand their markets. Learn more at
About Faculty Research in the Walker College of Business
The Walker College faculty produce and disseminate extensive research through both academic and professional communities. In the last five years, faculty have published 543 peer reviewed academic journal articles, 160 conference proceedings, and made 533 conference and professional presentations. In total, faculty have produced 1,175 intellectual contributions in the last five years. Approximately 520 intellectual contributions were made in basic or discovery research, 540 in applied or integrative research, and 115 contributions in teaching and learning research. Learn more at