Appalachian State University student Matt Zothner recently compiled a video montage of his experiences in China as a William R. Holland International Business Fellow.
The Holland Fellows program is an applied business experience in Asia, emphasizes research, engagement and innovation in partnership with Fudan University in Shanghai, China.
Zothner, a senior majoring in marketing in the Walker College of Business is one of 12 Appalachian students selected to participate in the 2017 Holland Fellows program, where they will work with Fudanese counterparts.
The annual fellowship has served to advance global learning while promoting research and collaboration among students and faculty from both countries for more than 20 years. Participants gain an understanding of the differences in the cultures, nations and peoples and discover opportunities to collaborate for mutual benefit in a global business environment.
After the three weeks in China as part of the Holland Fellowship, Zothner completed an additional language and culture study program at Fudan University.
"I love to travel because I get a deeper sense of how others live," said Zothner. "Culture isn't about the languages or the history that you see and hear – it's the feeling of community and collaboration."
Zothner has found a community of collaboration at Appalachian, where he is a Walker College of Business Honors student, a member of the Association of Student Entrepreneurs and a member of the Association of Information Technology Professionals.
Applying for a Holland Fellowship
Applications to become a 2018 Holland Fellow are being accepted through Monday, September 25, 2017 at midnight. To apply, you must be a junior or senior business major with a GPA of 3.0 or better and you must be admitted to the Walker College of Business by spring 2018. Apply today.