The Walker College of Business will host a Welcome Back to Walker reception in Peacock Hall on the first day of classes, Monday, August 22.
Between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to stop by the second floor of Peacock Hall and the Broyhill Commons and Boyles Lobby area for free coffee and whole fruit.
Students will receive a Walker College of Business water bottle while supplies last.
Events in the Walker College of Business
The Welcome Back to Walker Reception is the first of many special events hosted by the Walker College of Business designed to supplement the curriculum and create a well-connected community of learners at Appalachian. Please refer to our events page for up-to-date information about special events in the college, including Business for Good on September 23, the Cyber Summit on October 20, Walker Business Connections on October 6 and the Carole McLeod Entrepreneur Summit on November 4.