
Study Abroad Panelists

Students learn tips on studying and interning abroad at the Walker College of Business "Go International" Fair
Nov 28, 2017

Did you know that studying or interning abroad can contribute to success at work and in graduate-level academic pursuits? Appalachian State University...

A world outside Appalachian: International Education Week

A world outside Appalachian: International Education Week
Nov 22, 2017

The Appalachian Online recently posted about how students and community members on the campus of Appalachian State University celebrated International...

Senior Maheder Yohannes Photo by Marie Freeman

Accounting major earns U.S. citizenship, gives back to Ethiopia
Nov 21, 2017

ASU NEWS — Born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Maheder Yohannes is a first-generation college student majoring in accounting at Appalachian State Un...

Northeast Forestry University (NEFU) in Harbin, China

Walker College professor of sustainable business to deliver talk on corporate responsibility
Nov 13, 2017

Walker College Professor of Sustainable Business Management Rajat Panwar will travel to Harbin, China November 2017 to interact with master and doctor...

Sarah Freed ’09 of Seattle was awarded the Appalachian State University’s 2017 Young Alumni Award. The award honors individuals under age 40 for their exceptional service to the university and career accomplishments.

Accounting and international business alumna honored as 2017 Appalachian young alum
Oct 31, 2017

ASU NEWS–Three socially conscious, entrepreneurial alumni were recognized by the Alumni Association Friday, Oct. 6, during Homecoming weekend 2017. ...

Pictured are Wendy Deng, Sandra Vannoy, Christopher Lytle and Martin Meznar with their counterparts at Northeastern University in Shenyang

Walker College expands international partnerships in China
Oct 24, 2017

A delegation from Appalachian State University's Walker College of Business visited three Chinese universities October 7-14 with the goal of incr...

Pictured during an Oct. 5 reception for the Al Harris Fund for Excellence Endowment are, from left, Jackie Harris, Computer Information Systems Professor Emeritus Al Harris, Sequoia Holdings CEO T. Richard Stroupe, Appalachian State University Chancellor Sheri Everts, and Walker College of Business Dean Heather Norris.

Alumnus’ new endowment fund and named space in Peacock Hall honor information systems professor
Oct 17, 2017

ASU NEWS — A new endowment fund and meeting and networking space at Appalachian State University have been established to honor Dr. Albert...

 Students from Chile, Italy, Mexico, Japan and Spain joined members of Appalachian State University's International Business Student Association (IBSA) September 27 for an International Student Welcome Dinner.

International Business students host international student welcome dinner
Oct 3, 2017

 Students from Chile, Italy, Mexico, Japan and Spain joined members of Appalachian State University's International Business Student Association ...

Dr. Olanrewaju Olaoye, center, with Meredith Church Pipes and Martin Meznar in Appalachian's Walker College of Business

Walker College to host guest lecturer from Lincoln International Business School
Sep 28, 2017

This fall Appalachian State University is hosting Olanrewaju Olaoye from the University of Lincoln's International Business School.Olaoye wi...

Jerry Zhang

Alumni feature: young alum finds fit with highjump
Aug 15, 2017

Jerry Zhang is a recent Appalachian State University graduate and an international sales consultant for HighJump, a computer software company offering...